Milwaukee Audubon Society serves to protect and restore Wisconsin’s natural heritage and ecology through active leadership, education, advocacy and stewardship.
Milwaukee Audubon covers a large area and our membership territory includes parts of six counties. Our activities extend from downtown Milwaukee to the north portion of Horicon Marsh, and from Johnson Creek to north of Port Washington.
Horicon | Cedarburg Bog | Milwaukee River
Oconomowoc Lakes | Lake Michigan
LEarn More about Our ongoing projects
Recent Achievements
2020 Wasemiller Educational Award, Badger State Archaeological Society
National Audubon Society Convention: Milwaukee, August 2019
Watch Winona LaDuke’s Opening Address below:
And you are what hope looks like to a bird.
Birds connect people to places. People remember when they hear the sound of a bird. They have profound impact on sense of place.”
Watch David Yarnold’s full presentation below: