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The Lizard-Mound complex is one of the most-extensive and best-preserved American Indian effigy mound sites in the world and is related to the Sweet Site, Newburg, and Indian Prairie, Glendale, as part of a Milwaukee River watershed cultural complex.

Milwaukee Audubon Society (MAS) purchased mounds and features adjacent to the park to extend site protection. MAS delivered a five-hundred-year, site-management-plan recommendation, dated 2020, to WDNR Wisconsin State Parks, addressing wildlife habitat restoration in conjunction with cultural landscape preservation. MAS discovered survey errors of the 1980s leading the Wisconsin Historical Society to reapply for National Register of Historic Places listing for both Lizard Mound Park and the Washington County Effigy Mounds Island District. State Register listing was November 18, 2022.  MAS incorporated both the names Wisconsin Audubon as an educational initiative and  Friends of Lizard Mound Park to support site management.

More About Lizard Mound Park