Op Ed: Save the Kletzsch Park Trees!
The county wants to destroy 10 majestic oak trees for a fish passage. Surely there's a better way.
By Martha Bergland - April 19, 2019
Hundreds of citizens have signed petitions, written letters, and attended meetings in opposition to the proposed Milwaukee County Parks Kletzsch Park Dam Upgrade. Read more about it here.
Op Ed: County’s Fish Passage Plan Seems Fishy
Plan for Kletzsch Park has all the charm and beauty of an industrial conveyor belt.
By Karl Gartung, Dec. 16, 2019
…Much was made of a fish passage and its necessity, among other arguments in favor of the proposed renovation of the dam. But many of the claims about the dam and fish passage had astonishing and stark inconsistencies. Read more about it here.
GLENDALE – The early afternoon calm Saturday along the Milwaukee River was shattered by the sound of a rare visitor.
"Kuk, kuk, kukkukkuk, kuk, kuk."
The notes echoed through the hardwoods and across the river, where Peter Thornquist of Glendale was visiting a neighbor.
Thornquist looked in the direction of the raucous call and saw the source.
A bird, which to the uninitiated might have looked like a white chicken, flew across the river to the trunk of a dead tree and roosted vertically, where it proceeded to use its bill to hammer on the bark.