The challenge of gathering safely during this time has lead us to cancel this years trip to the Penokee’s. We hope to return to the Annual Trip in 2021.
For more information on the importance of the Penokee area please watch this presentation given by MAS board member Jim Urhinak from 2013:
Jim Uhrinak of Milwaukee Audubon describes what would be lost to the proposed Penokee mine on the south shore of Lake Superior—the wildlife, watersheds, air and water quality, unique climate conditions, old and regenerating forests, tribal wild rice beds, and scenic and recreational sites.
Join us for our 31st Annual Penokee Mountains Field Trip!
The field trip will be about the actual and potential recovery of northern wildlife species. It is a general introduction to the magnificence of the area rather than a zoology, birding, botany, or geology trip. There may be a possible bonus Saturday morning hike - so save the dates and stay tuned for more information.